Colon hydrotherapy (also known as Colonics) is a safe, effective method of hydrating and removing waste (fecal matter, gas and mucous) from the large intestine (your colon). Using warm, filtered and pressure regulated water, waste is softened and loosened from the walls of the colon and evacuated through natural peristalsis, which is the muscle movement that food uses to travel through your digestive system.
Why would we want to do this? Because a healthy well-functioning bowel is essential for the maintenance of optimal health. A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action, causing sluggish bowel movement, slow transit time, and constipation. Anyone who has suffered from chronic constipation can tell you how unwell they feel. In addition, if the ileocecal valve between your small and large intestine isn’t working properly, waste can flow back into your small intestine and your bloodstream, impacting your organs and other body systems.
Regardless of whether you have a bowel movement every day, there is always some buildup in your colon. Many people think that it is like a garden hose, but it is actually a series of ‘pouches’, called haustra. So while fecal matter, undigested food and mucous travel through, they leave a bit behind and over time, this can build up. Think of your teeth; you brush them twice every day, but there is still residue built up over time. Your colon is the same.